Articles written in English

Articles written in English

Practice Questions: Sequence Special Type: Log

\(Q1\) $$a_1=2, a_{n+1}=a_n^2$$ You will see a similar problem in EJU Math advanced course 2 2011 1st Se...
Articles written in English

Special Types Recurrence Equations

Special types of Recurrence Equations Seems this is one of the most difficult topics in EJU math ...
Articles written in English

Recurrence Equations for Arithmetic, Geometric and Differences Progressions

Basic 3 Patterns Arithmetic Progression $$a_{n+1}-a_n=d$$ This is the recurrence equation of A...
Articles written in English

Dot Product

Definition of dot product $$\vec{a}・\vec{b}=|\vec{a}||\vec{b}|\cos{\theta}$$ We should not th...
Articles written in English

Quadrature by Parts

Quadrature by Parts (区分求積法) This is very similar way to calculate the area by Integration Let's take ...
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How to get asymptotes of Rational Function

Asymptotes There are 2 kinds of asymptotes, vertical and horizontal ones. Vertical Asymptote Mathemati...
Articles written in English

Integration by Parts

What is it When there are 2 functions(composite function) in an integration operator, we can use the method,...
Articles written in English

Why Is Harmonic Series the Divergent Infinite Series

By the way what is Harmonic Series?? $$\sum^{\infty}_{n=1}\frac{1}{n}=\frac{1}{1} +\frac{1}{2} +\frac{1}...
Articles written in English

Euler’s Identity

One of the most beautiful things in Math It might not be such special thing for you. But I would like to...
Articles written in English

How to Change Keyboard Language (Japanese)

If you would like to add Japanese keyboard on your laptop, here is the directions for you. How to add Japanese ...